Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to drive (people crazy)

Telling them you failed the driving test, written and trials should do the trick.

This blog is going to be about how I managed to defy all odds and got my driving license (finally)!

Since I was 18 I have been putting off getting my driver’s license because I have no vehicle to drive, and I had no interest what so ever about vehicles. It’s true! Even in school when everyone else was super into cars, reading magazines about cars,  watching top gear or stopping on the road just to see a beautiful car. I was not interested. Frankly I like walking, and I never had a favorite car nor did I really care.

So when I started thinking about finally getting my license at age 22, I didn't know what I was thinking! I think it was the Yellow Panda at Pyxle that tempted me; I thought learning to drive would be cheaper for the company in the long run than taking a tuk to meetings, and so with that motivation (for now let’s assume that was the motivation). I enrolled myself in a shabby looking learners, (whose name to this day I did not care to find out. Not sure if it had a name) because an uncle recommended it and it was kinda easier on the finances.

And so it started. Driving around Boralla on the first day itself with a cranky old instructor who seemed bias towards adult students and made driving seem not worth it to younger students, well we complained and he got fired.

Then on I had a couple instructors, though I never really got the hang of it. You know the typical no brainier stuff like “TURN ON THE SIGNAL LIGHT WHEN YOU START AND STOP! WHICH SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO?” or “DON’T BRING YOUR FOOT UP TOO FAST WHEN RELEASING THE CLUTCH!” or “THAT’S THE THIRD GEAR YOU’RE SUPPOSE TO BE ON THE FIRST!” never really stuck with me till the very last few weeks before the trials.

Then came the written exam, I was told that it was the easiest exam EVER! I being the bright light I am didn't bother to even open up the little yellow book and skim through it, and boy did I wing it or what? No I did not. I failed. In shame I reserved another date and came home, wasting a perfectly valid off day and Rs.500. Thankfully on the second try I got the very same paper and I aced it! (No pride, just shame).

Then came the day of the trials! And in the morning, before the exam we were taken on a trail trail run by the learners, which went great for me and even the cross eyed instructor dude was impressed and told the others to take my example of fine driving. And then I failed! It rained okay… and I panicked! But then again people who almost killer people on the road passed so I’m guessing there was an advantage of paying up, if you know what I mean. Then came trial number two in which I brushed against the pole while reversing and that was over even before I started.

At this point I had decided that diving is not for me, didn't even book another date, just went home and tried to sleep away the cold I was having throughout the day. I was so embarrassed I even told some of my friends that I didn't go for the exam because I was sick. Yeah I felt bad for lying and I eventually told them about my epic failure, hey it’s better to come clean and accept your failure than hide it away. Yeah they laugh at you and if they are your real friends they’ll encourage you to go on and promise that they will be there to laugh at you again.

After weeks of mother nagging me to go and finish it off, because: “good money was spent on it so see it through.” Anyway there I was again at Weherahara for the nth time. I badly wanted to make it my last and after hours of standing in the hot sun and applying a no pay leave on the very first week of my new job, I was finally there. And I passed. It was a good day.

Well that’s it. The story of how Johanns Rogers got his driving license. And after two weeks the card was posted to me. I am officially and legally allowed to sit behind a running engine and drive the thing!

Although I still have no actual use of it, since I have no car, I’m pretty psyched about it.  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Android KitKat so far...

New wallpaper (duh)
New dialer and camera icons.
Transparent notification bar and soft key bar.
Third party SMS app could be set as default or hangout app replacing SMS app.
Alleged Nexus experience.
default NFC payment and direct printing facility.

and still no release date.

Monday, October 7, 2013

When people tell you not to do something because they think you can't:

1. They don't deserve your respect
2.Respect them anyway
3.Prove them wrong

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My first WordPress post

So this is my first post on WordPress, Not sure why I bothered making this account as I am quite happy with my blogsopt account. I guess constantly commenting on Jill’s blog prompted me to create an account and with that comes this post.

I wish I knew how to link my blogspot and WordPress it would be really cool, but wishing usually get anyone nowhere in particular, So I shall do some research when time permits and make that happen, Yes I understand it’s a matter of Googling it but now that I’ve started to type I shall keep to that.

And with that I guess Welcome to my WordPress blog, which will most probably be mirroring my blogspot blog: rothbourne101. So if you are reading this and find it slightly interesting and mildly amusing do follow my blog and comment and share and let me know what you think, I am in all sense of the word a noob at writing and blogging, but writing is something I enjoy doing and yes we bloggers (If I can categorize myself in that domain) secretly hope for a little readership:
“We write because we want to write. Not because we want others to read – okie we secretly do.” – Senashia Ekanayake
So hope to write more and progress as I go. I openly invite you to judge my writing! This could prove to be dangerous.

So till next time then.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The boredom blog

Have you ever had a job and been jobless at the same time? Thus is the situation of mine right now, after assigning and overlooking the new subordinated work and taking a look and completing my absent colleagues work (most of the work people seem to be late today after the intense party last night) one does not have much work.

Somehow I ended up on Jill's blog  so the credit (or blame) of this post getting underway is because of this post: Working on the Little Things.

As I was saying in the start I am currently not being very productive and this is an attempt to procrastinate (because I am stuck in level 36 in Candy Crush and can’t get any further), it’s nice to be able to write as a form of procrastination. Unfortunately I have nothing to write about, I could write about my past few months of existence but who would care? And it’s too early to do an annual recap.

Three paragraphs and three hours later I am yet to write anything read worthy, spend about 30 minutes playing around with interactive flash advertisements, went through the photographs from last night and I don’t even know what I did the other 2 hours!

I seriously need some inspiration, anything would do. Maybe I should just do and fall into a deep sleep, or in love. Would that even help? This blog post is turning out to be a twitter stream with updates as the hours of the day pass by.

Apparently there is something wrong with my Candy crush, help sent by others are not coming through to my app. I don’t understand, I’m all for helping others why is it that help from others never come to me? Hmm… something to think about (That indeed escalated quickly).

So many life lessons to be learnt through random events of the day. I shall break now and leave you with that thought. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Wisdom Tweets

Not exactly wisecrack, but these are some of the most memorable tweets and *ahem ahem* quotes I have put out there on the internet. While most of these have been ignored and buried under a whole lot of useless tweets (Not that these are practically any more worthy), but they hold some value and truth to me. That said I have tweeted some pretty stupid and ignorant stuff as well, maybe at some point I'll do a post with just those.

So for now here are some of my unique, provoked by thought and mildly amusing tweets of wisdom:

Okay to be honest I just wanted to try out the embedded tweets feature.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The times we had - part 2

This is for all the plans we made, for all the toys we broke,  the hearts we melted and the time we spent. 

All the lessions we learnt, the truth and pain,  the tears and pride, we made up our own minds.

For the great escapes, the lovely days, make believe days and dreamless nights. 

Take it all in because they're not coming back, like in life and love we keep moving forward making way for something new, in those days remember the good times we had, print them in your mind and keep me in your heart. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Future Leader's Conference season 5, Galle 2013: Conclusion

FLC is a leadership and reconciliation conference organized by Sri Lanka Unites for the fifth consecutive year, this time in Galle Sangamittha. Here are some of the moments I managed recollect thought out the 5 days.
The future Leaders Conference season 5 was a phenomenal success and I feel extremely honoured to be a part of it.
From the mind blowing sessions and passionate speakers, the energy of the students and volunteers, the commitment of the organizing team and southern coalition, to the hospitality of the south to the delicious meals, but mostly because of the influence it had on the participants, the students went back with tears in their eyes and a deep passion to be part of the solution. The volunteers had an experience of a life time that will have them coming back for more and the team satisfied because their sacrifices during the past few weeks have been worth it, satisfied yet craving for more the cause carved deep into their hearts and minds.

As we say in Sri Lanka Unites,The best is yet to come.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Future Leaders Conference season 5, Galle 2013

The most awaited student leader’s conference of the year has finally commenced in Galle, Sangamittha Balika Vidyalaya!

On the 26th of June 2013 the SLU team working hard to bring the event to life started their duties early in the morning with the registration of the students. Students from all over the Island, all 25 districts of the country were flowing in to Sangamittha Galle for a life changing experience they were yet to experience.
The students arrived throughout the day and they were divided into their groups, this was a new experience to them as they found out that they were being separated from their team mates and grouped with other students who they have never met before most of them do not even speak a common language.

The next part was meeting their volunteers, these three people are going to be mentoring and leading the students for the next 5 days. These are students who are doing their higher studies or pursuing a career who have given up their time and energy for these students and because of a passion they share for the cause of reconciliation.

As evening drew they students dressed up in their school uniforms, and gathered at the main hall, which the team from the southern coalition had decorated in classical southern style.

The Future Leaders Conference season 5, Galle 2013 kicked off in style by the girls from Sangamittha welcoming the esteemed guests with a cultural southern dance leading them to the main hall. The south was excited to welcome the Island’s students leader to their midst and they were not hesitant to show it. With lighting of the oil lamp by the guest’s and representatives the event processed to the main event, the opening ceremony. Students and reps from the south welcomed their brothers and sisters from all over the country to their home with open hearts and open minds, they affirmed their desire to bond and reconcile with their Tamil brothers and sisters by welcoming them in their own language, Tamil.  

The students are not only taught about their national duties but they are challenged to do their part in practice, through the Champions of Change (CoC) challenge, where two schools who participate in the conference are assigned together to work on a social welfare project, to help a community of their choice. The students of methodic College Colombo and Hindu Ladies College Wellawattha were awarded first place for their project “Stand again harassment of woman” for their outstanding efforts and passion towards the cause.

Next the event proceeded to introducing the 20 teams on stage and you could hear the students already cheering their teams as their names were called up, they were ready and committed to their team’s victory.

The day ended with the teams chatting over dinner with their new found friends and getting to know each other. The excitement mixed with curiosity will lead these 20 teams into the second day of the Future Leaders Conference season 5!      

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sketch stretch

So I was idling around, got bored while at it and decided to drop this tweet:

Johanns Rogers @rothbourne
Who wants a poorly drawn sketch of themselves? 

To which (Thankfully) two lovely ladies responded:

Moonduckyy @Tharahewage
@rothbourne meeeee 


Kavithya @PoopyWorld
@rothbourne MEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D 

and I ended up doing this:

These ladies definitely deserve better than this, So Thank you Thara(@Tharahewage) and Kavi(@PoopyWorld) for letting me draw you even though it meant the worst.  

What do you think? 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Noodles Rap

So I met Gloria Hewapatha ( @iGLOstar ) on twitter the other day due and discussion about Justin Timberlake's new song, after all the agreeing and disagreeing was done we started talking about noodles (It's twitter random shit like this come up all the time) after a couple of tweets regrading how we prefer the meal, this happened:

 ‏@iGLOWstar @rothbourne When fried, I prefer rice, soup is anytime, and instant even if too much two is gd sometimes! *wrote it like a song, yay!!!* :D

Yep we ended up having a rap battle about noodles and gluttony that went like this:

GLO When fried, I prefer rice, soup is anytime, and instant even if too much two is good sometimes!

GLO  uh yeah uh yeah Noodles, go get on google,i like em soaking,receipe working for a soupy noodle,keep away ur poodle let em doodle

Rothbourne ah ha ah ha, I'm a fry them real good, make all you fools drool, top it with some bacon strips and eat it by my self!

GLO  eat it by yourself?!/Nigga aint no good for ur health,/u got bacon wealth,/made off a pig's tail,/u better care to go and share

Rothbourne nobody gonna care if I'm dead, so imma eat em by my self, get fat like the pig I ate, make fun at the skinny kids on skates!

GLO  Pig u ate,fat kids on skates,wen u is dead,aint nbdy gon celebrate,aint that shit cray? true tho yolo,ya betta eat love n pray!

Rothbourne  You only live one, that one is 
a fact, so make the best count, and get on with gluttony!