Friday, August 27, 2010

Intresting Remarks

"I have been reviving my life. Now that I have nothing better to go; I realized there was nothing much to review! Having had no life and a social life plain boring. Like most kids my age I just existed."

I didn't say that, didn't even know what was meant by that phase, it was some wimpy kid I used to know who said that!

SOoo what am I driving at……. Well, nothing really just bored so had to do something to keep myself alive, or anything to go by stay awake. This is not a diary of my day or anything to do with me; I will keep this post strictly impersonal as possible(you are welcome to slap me if I don't), if that is the word I'm looking for. There have been some developments in the life of some people, which in fact is a shocker!!! :O what happened? Who is this? Or even who died could be some of the thought that passed you feebly intellectually challenged minds (let's face if Why else would you be reading this). Well to answer all your question I will provide you with the answer. "He got busy!!!" so busy he didn't have time to write a blog or even to get a shave! You might be wondering WTH? Well…… if this was written by Justin Beiber or Robert Pattinson I bet there would 50 million comments asking what he was going and with showers of good wishes or some jobless teen girl would suggest trending "#hornyforjustin" on twitter!!! What the heck! (Just freaking read this and go to sleep, or kill yourself, your choice).

Jacky Chang is so funny!

OK…. Are you feeling sleepy so far… go ahead take a nap, this post won't be going anywhere.

So your back, good now try to get thought this in one go… you're a hero if you can!

Where were we… oh yeah, this is not about me or anyone related to me. I have a strange feeling I'm being irrational and irresponsible… see the thing is I have no real idea or theme to write about I'm practically blank in the nut up stairs. And that sucks.

Hey !!! Why did you slap me???

This is so not right! This feels like I just lost control.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Take that Chance

Have you ever felt that the world is all ways going in the opposite direction as you? Well… in that case it probably is because you're most probably trying to do something different. That's not an easy thing to do tale it from me. The system is so rigid and stubborn it's all ways trying to bring you down. Change is feared, like is some kind of humongous meteor that's going to destroy the world, for better or for worse who cares … its different so it's got to be big and bad!!! That's the mentality of the people that are just too lethargic to get up and take a chance. It's not so much the change that frightens the people it's more likely the people who are affected in a bad (terrible!!!) way by this change, just want to remain intact and not be swept away with the change. They take the most drastic measures by dazzling the uneducated with there lies and controversies ("I love the way you lie……." I wonder if Rehanna knows what I'm talking about ??? ) yes, I do tend to yell out parts of songs randomly!!!

Just that you should know it's nothing to do with anybody or anything in particular…It's about absolutely every damn thing!!! Yeah the world is all about some sort of bullshit trying to make a stand… and adjust lives in its order just to sell a product (a useless expensive product * cough * *cough *). So as the world turns so do most of us. It's time to turn it all around… Say no to the system. Take a stand and make a move, hopefully I can break the rules.

Ok…that was just a spontaneous rap that just entered my brain (and already left) …

Sometimes I wonder to myself why do I go along with this, I really don't have to… so yeah, I won't!
The thing is everybody is glued to this consumption and self concept, hwy don't look at me like that… I not talking as a person who's got all figured out or got it all going grate, no I'm not. I'm just saying we should start to look for change and implement it first in our lives. We work 9 hour a day and spend the rest of the day complaining about it! Why? Well… I don't know any employed person can please answer that for me.

What I'm driving at is the fact that there is only one thing that's standing in between you and the change, YOU! Yes you, you numb skull. So go out there and TAKE THAT CHANCE! If you don't start no one will, be an example make a difference. Good things don't fall in people laps, that only the bad stuff… you got to go out there and chase your dreams and catch them (kinda like in Inception).

Now point driven. I think I'll go and make a revival.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The times we had.

In light of most of the guys leaving the country to pursuit there higher studies and what not, I thought I might write out my thoughts just to makes things more memorable (and to kill time while at it). I’m about to put down eleven plus years into one blog, so wish me luck!

So we were born and what a tragedy that would have turn out to be… the world saw us as cuddly coo and cute babies that they hoped would remain that way for the rest of our lives(well…some might actually fulfill that). They fed us and nurtured us in the goodness of it all… (awww…). But then they decided to send us to school, I say it like a bad thing but I’m not so sure anymore. And that my friend is where it all began….Bu ha ha ha . We were such little clueless jackasses (I like to think we still are…heck what hell do we know???) I still remember us sitting on the low chairs on the first days and scribbling away or dribbling on the paper… some cried, some didn’t give a shit(still don’t) and most just did what we were told.

All went well till, no scrap that… It wouldn’t have been school at all if “All when well” now would it? So yeah… we screwed up big time, all part of the immense learning experience in life that’s all. We played in the sand pit inventing are own weird games and making up logic that would baffle any adult nerd-ass. So innocent didn’t even know the world was going to swallow us up someday and make us work our asses off just to get by! Yeah…thanks for the warning! So full of energy we couldn’t even stay in one place for a few minutes at a time and running around meant nothing at all(unlike now where 5 minute of running leaves us gasping for air like a dyeing fish( poor fish!!!), so much for stamina). And girls were yuck!!!

Somewhere down the line we learnt our first slang and filth; yep that was a fascinating experience. And we were introduced to the concept of Sarcasm… it was great, we all were so hyper and a bit psycho (an element that grew in us as the years that went by). We made are little clubs and cults, also imagined that there were murders happening in the school premises!!! Who could the culprit be… is it the creepy old deputy headmaster or the bloody annoying janitor (Cursed be that janitor) or who will be the next victim, not that we cared it was fun. The best part is some people actually believed it, ha SUCKER! All of which was brought to a standstill by puberty.

YES it happened to us all (or did it…hmmm…) we hit puberty, rather it hit us. Had to go thought all the changes physically and mentally, unfortunately most of them didn’t go thought the mental change. And suddenly masturbating was our favorite past time (again only for some of them), and girls were just WOW!!! And some of us got dope and somehow couldn’t get over its effects. We gradually reached our per-teens and all that mattered was the hair dos and who had the best cell phone. Music was a major part of our lives be it rock or R&B or rap… head banging was something that came almost naturally to us (although I’m sure that’s not what came naturally to Selena Gomez) .

Then came along Junior High (Upper School say in our own terms), this is where things got a bit serious. Most of us settled down. GCE O/Ls were coming up and this meant something to some of us, yeah the nerds over did it. The geeks and nerds sat right in front (don’t misunderstand I don’t fall in that category just because I sat there too), and people who didn’t give a shit right at the back. Teachers came and went very frequently (seriously, one Math teacher lasted less than 48 hours). Some of us spent our free time reading while other used school time for free time. We as the seniors did the worst possible shit we could do (the worst being turning off the trip switch that connects to the staff room …OMG!! What a terrible thing to do). Intervals meant cramming up in the canteen area (A little shack that fed us with shit) and playing sports (which meant new shirts).

Then came along the final year, the senior year, and the year I’m sure any of us will remember as long as our brains are full of juice. And the best year if we care to admit… 99% of the batch worked there asses off and made it worthwhile and memorable. As the days to the big exam got closer most of us were ready to take it on (reading the last installment of Happy Potter days before the exams proves it). And then came the day were we all said goodbye to are dear school promising to come back (how could we have know we were going to be shooed out the years to come). The autograph books in which we share our thoughts of each other and memories still make me want to die of embarrassment but also make me want to flip back that switch (not the trip switch, the switch on a time-machine)

We met again at the exam and we all went our separate ways. It was a while till we saw each other again… now that some of us are done with everything and have it all prepared to leave this land to fulfill our destiny (pun) and we may never see each other again… while some await another horrible experience called GCE A/Ls.

For some odd reason which I can’t bring myself to explain I feel a sense of pride and glory about all of us, As if we will do things to change the world and then look back and realize we where such clueless jackasses who grew up to be men with great propose. All in all I just want to say is it has been a great pleasure to knowing all of you… So let’s just go out there and LET IT ROCK!!!