Friday, August 27, 2010

Intresting Remarks

"I have been reviving my life. Now that I have nothing better to go; I realized there was nothing much to review! Having had no life and a social life plain boring. Like most kids my age I just existed."

I didn't say that, didn't even know what was meant by that phase, it was some wimpy kid I used to know who said that!

SOoo what am I driving at……. Well, nothing really just bored so had to do something to keep myself alive, or anything to go by stay awake. This is not a diary of my day or anything to do with me; I will keep this post strictly impersonal as possible(you are welcome to slap me if I don't), if that is the word I'm looking for. There have been some developments in the life of some people, which in fact is a shocker!!! :O what happened? Who is this? Or even who died could be some of the thought that passed you feebly intellectually challenged minds (let's face if Why else would you be reading this). Well to answer all your question I will provide you with the answer. "He got busy!!!" so busy he didn't have time to write a blog or even to get a shave! You might be wondering WTH? Well…… if this was written by Justin Beiber or Robert Pattinson I bet there would 50 million comments asking what he was going and with showers of good wishes or some jobless teen girl would suggest trending "#hornyforjustin" on twitter!!! What the heck! (Just freaking read this and go to sleep, or kill yourself, your choice).

Jacky Chang is so funny!

OK…. Are you feeling sleepy so far… go ahead take a nap, this post won't be going anywhere.

So your back, good now try to get thought this in one go… you're a hero if you can!

Where were we… oh yeah, this is not about me or anyone related to me. I have a strange feeling I'm being irrational and irresponsible… see the thing is I have no real idea or theme to write about I'm practically blank in the nut up stairs. And that sucks.

Hey !!! Why did you slap me???

This is so not right! This feels like I just lost control.


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